Friday, January 23, 2009

Visitors! (x4)

Another busy day for Migui in rehab! This morning he was able to brush his teeth on his own, standing upright at the sink.  He also continued to practice walking with the cane, this time much further and with less assistance from the physical therapist.  Migui is continuing to eat very well, and his diet was just 'upgraded' so now he can eat anything he wants!

The day was particularly special because Migui had 4 visitors: Kiko (who came from Hawai'i), Felipe (who came from Orlando), Marcelo, and Alex.  He really enjoyed hanging out with his friends, chatting and joking around.  Everyone was crowded in Migui's small room, but they had a great time.

Thank you to Jake and U'i for the wonderful fruit basket! Migui (and all of us) really enjoyed snacking on the fresh fruit all day.  Thanks also to everyone following the blog - we will continue to post updates as often as possible.


  1. oieee!!! wow!! mais upgrades!!!! muito legal, todo dia tem alguma novidade boa, isso eh bom demais!!! sera que vai ter lugar pra mais um visitor nesse seu quarto Mig?!!!! logo estarei ai tbem, guarda um espacinho pra mim!!!:P viu, ninguem vai te deixar em paz ate vc melhorar 100%, isso quer dizer que vc tem que ficar bom logo!!! obaaaa, fresh fruit, eu tbem quero!! Mig sabe ne, eu sou tarada por frutas, hehehehe!!! oh, quando eu chegar ai vou fazer a mesma dieta sua, espero que seja bem saudavel!!!! ah, o que vcs querem ou estao precisando aqui do hawaii?!!! me passem a listinha por email!!! bjinhos e ate breve!!! :)

  2. Oi Miguito: E muito gratificante saber dos seus progresos e todos estamos torcendo pra voce ficar bom logo, logo. Estou anciosa por estar com voce e dar um apoio.
    Sao dois dias que estou tentando ligar pra voces e nao consigo quem sabe hoje tenho sorte.
    Desejo que voces tenham um lindo fim de semana com todos os seus amigos visitando voce com certeca tera um fim de semana genial.
    Um beijo da tia Martha, Raquel e Lizi.

  3. Oi Migrits,
    Cada dia fico mais feliz com as noticias. Voce esta de parabens! Ja nao vejo a hora de te ver. Estarei ai em alguns dias.
    Beijos e continue com esse progresso maravilhoso.

    Te amo

  4. miguelito, so great to hear of your progress. Keep it up! I guess now you can literally run after the nurses! Are they cute! I am sure some of them must be admiring such a hunk! Love u!
    Tia emi
