Wednesday, February 11, 2009

New daily routine for Miguel

Sorry guys for not posting any news during last days.
Miguel is now under daily physiotherapy routines, very exhaustive ones, includes: lots of exercises for his physical condition, many occupational practices, community interaction, hydrotherapy, speech and neuro-linguistic training, among others.
He is very enthusiastic about this new routine, all the therapists and doctors are very happy and optimists about the progress he is gaining every single day. Left hand and arm are still in a need of a hard work...... He is being a sample to all others at the Rehab Center, we are so proud of him.
Thanks to Vitor and Cristiane who paid him a visit during the last weekend, their visit was indeed, very appreciated by Miguel and left him very happy, as well as the arrival of Aunt Raquel from Bolivia.
More news in about 3 or 4 days.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

New rehab program for Miguel

Yesterday was the evaluation day for Miguel's new rehabilitation program at Sharp Memorial Rehabilitation Hospital. Being an intensive program, the professionals for his physical, occupational, speech and psycological therapies, set the goals for each one of them.

Today was his first day of this program. He said it was quite exhausted sessions but, nevertheless, Miguel seems to be very motivated to reach all the goals established for him.
As mentioned before the left hand and arm are the ones that needs double attention and work in order to get the movements back.

Our optimism keeps increasing every day watching his improvements and goodwill for recovering from his part. Miguel is a real warrior!!!