Thursday, January 29, 2009

Outpatient heading to Day Treatment Program

With his excellent improvement, Miguel was discharged yesterday from the inpatient rehabilitation program. He was very happy for this break, until next Monday when he starts the Day Treatment Program. It is an intensive rehabilitation program from 9am to 3pm, still focusing on the different types of therapies. He is now with a bit more balance, and able to walk slowly with a cane. Much improvement is still needed on his left arm. But everyone is thrilled with the progress so far. And he is happy to be with us in the hotel in a much more relaxing environment. He is in a good mood, cracking jokes, and making us laugh.

Thank you to Marita (cousin) and Kiko (friend from Hawaii) who left yesterday, and for the gift sent by Tia Rhina/Peter (we all enjoyed the chocolates). Yesterday, with more time, Miguel was overjoyed when reading again all the messages coming from the friends and family. Yumi (friend from Hawaii) arrived yesterday, and Henrique (Miguel’s dad is arriving today). Thank you everybody for all the support. You can’t imagine how important this is to us.


  1. Hey Migi,

    It is great to see you improving so fast!! I cant believe you are already in outpatient care, keep up the good work!

    all the best,

  2. Hei!Caramba, que legal que você já anda até fazendo as suas brincadeirinhas de sempre! É o bom humor que comanda a vida não é mesmo?
    Fico muito feliz com a sua recuperação pois é sinal de que você ainda vai nos dar muitos bons momentos de alegria!
    Não abusa das comidas fat ok?!
    Abração . Vou continuar acompanhando estes relatos sensacionais e que nos confortam da sua super mãe. Abraços a todos.
    Dani Leopoldino

  3. Hey Miguel!

    Sounds like things are moving along really well. I'm glad to hear progress is good. We miss you here. We did char siu today and couldn't finish!

    And, you should hear the things these guys say about you since you're not here to defend yourself.

    Let me know if you need anything from this side.


  4. Aloha Miguelito!

    Que bom saber da evolucao e do seu progresso. Continue forte bro.

  5. É isso aí Miguel, continue bem humorado a as coisas boas serão atraídas, estamos confiantes na sua recuperação e mandando um monte de forças, percorrer essa grande distância que nos separa. Um grande beijo em vc e na minha amiga Silva. Regina Luz - Brasília

  6. Babu,

    Great to hear things are improving for you so fast. Good thing there is some great sports on tv. The Aussie Open has been great and the finals should be even better. Who you got in the Superbowl?? Keep up the hard work at rehab and we look forward to talking with you soon.

    James and Miranti

  7. If we want to send Miguel something, what address should we use? :)
