Monday, January 19, 2009

Another week-end with Miguel

One more week-end with Miguel at the Hospital. This one, however, was full of hope and happiness due to the sudden movement of the left hand and arm, although slightly, is was considerably increased than the previous days. I can see the effort that Miguel is placing in trying to do the exercises on the bed, he was also very pleased to the see the improvements.
Every day I'm very proud of him, I know God is sending us all the blessings to have him positively facing this situation. When I arrive this morning at the Hospital, he was sitting in a chair (with assistance) but was a nice surprise to see him out of the bed, even just for a few moment.
Thanks again to everyone for the caring words and to my sister Rosario who stayed with me for a week, she returned to Maryland this morning, her company and energy was indeed very important for me and Miguel.


  1. oieee!! passando pra dar o oi do dia pra vcs!!!! eh muito bom ter novidade boa todo dia, continua assim forte Mig!! tenho certeza que quando eu chegar ai na semana que vem vc ja vai estar bem melhor!! ai talvez vc pode voltar pro hawaii comigo!!!! :) bjinhos! amanha eu ligo pra vcs!

  2. Oi Miguel,

    So' passei p/ dar um oi tambem.
    Nos falamos mais tarde....
    cris e vitor

  3. What great news, Miguel! Keep up the good work and take care! Aloha, Jaimie

  4. Oi, Miguel! Olha que maravilha de saber do seu progresso. Ficamos tao felizes... Mandamos aquele abraco de carinho e preces de fe' a voce ai e a sua familia maravilhosa que tanto te apoia.


    P.S. Olha, se a Yumi te amolar muito, chama a seguranca para retira-la do hospital, viu? Rapaz, nem ai com essas milhas de distancia? Ai ai ai.

  5. Aloha Bro,

    This place is lonely without you dude, but hearing of your progress makes us all happy. Everything is that same old here with Mike winning money from my less strategic bets ;) We cannot wait to play with you buddy.

    Take care and keep up the good progress!!


  6. Oi Mig! sorry, nao deu pra atender sua ligacao pq tava na yoga... queria ter te ligado antes da aula mas tive um pequeno acidente, te conto amanha. me liga quando tiver um tempinho, pode me ligar no trabalho tbem.

  7. Oi miguito, estp muito feliz com a tua recuperação, todos os meus amigos e outros estão torcemdo por vc tambem. Não vejo a hora de chegar sali pra te dar um grande abraço.Acredito que ate dia 30 estou ali,oo meu pasapórte deve chegar ate 6 feira. ok. Bom mais melhoras apito nos te amamos todos. Um grande beijo e abraço . O paiç.

  8. Spring term started yesterday. Be happy you are not here. Multiple WebCT issues. Claes and Arion are not so happy. We miss you, man.

    Get well soon.

