Monday, January 12, 2009

Weekend with Migui

Sorry family and friends, this is Miguel's mom writing to you all, I could not log-in the computer at the Hospital, this is the reason I could not up-date Migui's blog.
Miguel is continuing to improve his recovery, he is now able, not only to move his toes on the left foot, but to lift up a bit. Also he was able to do some exercizes seating at the edge of the bed with help of 3 people. He is getting stronger as he's eating very well, although he does not like the taste of the food, which is still pured. He is in a good spirit.
Yesterday he received the visit of his friend Leo, who used to live in Hawaii and now is in Los Angeles, he was very happy to see him.
Thank you all for all the messages, we do need your words.


  1. Hola Migui!!!! cada dia me pongo mas feliz al leer los avances que tienes en tu recuperacion, ya veras que pronto estaras como nuevo. Mi mami tambien esta siguiendo tu recuperacion entrando a la pagina y siempre mantenemos a la tia Martha informada tambien. Aunque la distancia es grande no dudes que todos los dias estamos a tu lado apoyandote con el pensamiento y corazon. Te mando un beso enorme.


  2. Isso ai Migrits. Continua firme e forte que voce vai sair dessa rapidinho. Um beijao da tua irma que te ama muito. Michele

  3. oh oh... eu tava tentando colocar uma mensagem e sumiu :( oooxi!!
    Mig, o que eu quis dizer ontem eh que pela sua VOZ ja da pra ver que vc ta bem melhor!!!! que bom saber que vc ja esta movimentando seu lado esquerdo!!!!! isso eh otimo!! todo dia vc esta progredindo, continua assim que como vc memsmo falou, logo logo vc esta de volta!!! bjinhos e um otimo dia pra todos vcs ai!!! :)

  4. Bom Dia Babu! Today is Lorenzo and my first anniversary! Wow, only a year ago, we were partying at Kualoa. I'm so happy to hear you are eating. We had a barbeque at Kiko's house last night. Even Lorenzo had a beer for you. Keep strong, we are thinking of you, beijos, Kalei

  5. Hey Miguel! We're all thinking of you man. Sounds like you're getting stronger and in no time you'll be steering us in the boat again!


  6. Miguel
    New York Cheese Cake is coming!!!! It's all good news from now on....
    Happy recovery,
    Love you
    Tia Emi
